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Behind the Scenes at Fulcrum Apparel: A Business Update

May 28 2020 – Kathryn Wepfer

Sewing supplies - scissors, thread in different colors
Sewing supplies - scissors, thread in different colors

We’ve been getting many questions recently with folks wondering,

“What’s going on at Fulcrum?” 

“When are you launching and when can I purchase?”

“How is COVID affecting your launch plans?”

We love the enthusiasm and want to be completely transparent with our community about our business activity and launch preparations.  2020 was initially a busy time of product development, connecting with customers, and telling the stories of inspirational pumping-working-moms.  Then life was upended in March and the only certainty about our future is the vast uncertainty of the future.  We went from working towards an expected fall launch to an almost dead stop in product development and an inability to accurately predict a revised launch date.  Like many people, we’ve been through the full range of emotions (anger, grief, confusion, hope, determination, and more) as we slowly get a better understanding of this new reality, and work through accepting that.  We’ll likely be pushed back to a 2021 launch, which is extremely disappointing, but the delay also gives us the opportunity to understand the transitions happening with our customers, and design better solutions for those altered life circumstances.

Dress form for garment making

In the meantime, we continue to connect with customers and learn their stories of pumping at work, pumping at home while working, and balancing their professional and personal roles more intimately and intensely than they would have ever expected.  This is an extraordinary time that’s demanding extraordinary efforts from pumping-working-moms, and we want to continue being part of their journey so we can best support them when we all emerge from the pandemic.

Fabric swatches of various colors

This new timing also provides an opportunity to reassess our product vision and ask "how are the needs of our customers going to shift in the future?" and "what’s this discussion of a new normal – will it truly be a different normal or will we eventually get back to a life we all recognize?"  We’re taking this time to reconsider our customers’ current and future needs and incorporate those considerations into our product vision.  We’re still figuring it out day by day, but we’re committed to emerging stronger than before and even better equipped to get beautiful, functional work wear into the hands of women who spend their days pivoting between their professional and motherhood identities.

Thank you for continuing to be part of the journey with us through this unexpected detour.  We will emerge stronger than before and look forward to serving you on your journey in the near future.


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